Back2022년 Nov 24일

Announcement of Third-Party Allotted Paid-In Capital Increase

July 31, 2023

Announcement of Third-Party Allotted Paid-In Capital Increase

My Workspace IT Co., Ltd. hereby announces the following to its shareholders in accordance with Article 418, Paragraph 4 of the Commercial Act:

  1. Type and number of new shares: 16,133 shares of registered common stock.
  2. Method of subscription for new shares: Third-party allotment (Article 8-3(2) of the articles of incorporation).
  3. Issuance price per share: KRW 61,984 (face value of KRW 1,000).
  4. Total amount of new shares to be issued: KRW 999,987,872.
  5. Payment due date for new shares: December 9, 2022.
  6. Financial institution for payment of subscription funds: Shinhan Bank Mokdong Central Financial Center.
  7. Subscriber for payment in kind: None.
  8. Issuance of shares without par value: None.
  9. Allotment recipient of new shares: HK Networks Co., Ltd.

Dated: November 24, 2022 Yang Hee-young, CEO of My Workspace IT Co., Ltd.